Let’s get started, shall we? A couple of starting points”
- You never have to relapse again, even if you want to.
- Consider this book “Sponsorship Training”.

Make no mistake: We are NOT Dummies. We Addicts/Alcoholics/Foodies don’t act the way we or do the things we do because we’re Dummies. I’ve worked in recovery treatment off and on more than 30 years and I’ve identified 3 common threads amongst us:
- We are virtually all very bright individuals, mostly of above average intelligence.
- We are far more sensitive, emotionally speaking, than most people.
- Many Addicts lacked a real, deep and meaningful relationship with their biological Father.
Nearly 90% of alcoholic women were sexually abused as children, or suffered violence at the hands of a parent. (Miller, Downs, 1993)
Up to 2/3 of both men and women in substance abuse treatment report childhood abuse or neglect. (SAMHSA, CSAT 2000).
More fun facts coming, along with in-depth, clear and concise instructions on how to get clean and sober, and, more importantly, how to stay clean and sober.